Grand Rapids Archers Membership Information
Join Grand Rapids Archers Today!
How To Become A Member
Fill out the application below and mail or deliver it with dues to Membership Chair (only Membership Chair can accept your application and dues). Or....
NEW! Purchase your membership online!
Step 1. Download & Complete Membership Application and email to
Step 2. Make payment via appropriate "BUY NOW" payment button => => =>
for individual and family memberships. Student memberships
accepted by mail only.
NOTE: When selecting the online option, please make a separate payment for league fees.
Step 3. Watch for email confirmation within 2 business days.
Gaining Access To Clubhouse
Once application and dues are received, members will receive a gate key and the clubhouse lock combination. The clubhouse lock combination changes January 1 of each year. Members who join after March 1 will have their renewal dues pro-rated.
Range Hours
Members have access to the range 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, shooting is not allowed during scheduled seasonal youth shooting activities Mondayevenings, any club events and State or Regional shoots on select weekends. Refer to posted calendar of events for exact dates.

Range Activities and Fundraiser
Club meetings are held bimonthly starting in January. Members are invited to participate in a variety of club fundraisers. Range clean up times are scheduled and members are encouraged to sign up for this light duty cleaning and keep our range clean for all of us.
We have a number of NAA & USAA Level I-IV instructors in our club. These instructors teach youth archery and coach our Community Youth Archery participants. If you are interested in becoming a NAA Instructor, contact any GRA Board Member.